
April 3, 2018
SPOT 127 East Valley students "discovered the science" at the 7th annual Geeks Night Out in Tempe, Ariz., on Thursday, March, 1, 2018. Through interviews, clips of the crowds and some narration, the videos in this playlist highlight the event.
Fall Out Games
February 16, 2018
Fallout Games in Phoenix specializes in buying, selling and trading retro games.
Chinese Cultural Center
December 6, 2017
SPOT 127 Production Assistant Olivia Parker takes a new approach on the recent plans to demolish Phoenix’s Chinese Cultural Center.
Single frame image of one interviewee from the film.
December 6, 2017
Arizona State University undergraduate students discuss their depression and how they’ve learned to treat it through the years, urging students to seek a way to talk it out.
May 9, 2017
This piece was inspired by recent immigration talks and the election of a president that has been outspoken about tightening immigration policy. The goal was to capture the story of Esmeralda, an immigrant from El Salvador (pictured at right), on her journey to the United States.
