
Phoenix Zoo Commissary
June 25, 2014
The Phoenix Zoo's commissary prepares about 800 meals per day for its animals. SPOT 127 Boot Camp participants take a look inside the high-volume kitchen and find out what goes into feeding 1,400 animals.
June 25, 2014
In this StoryCorps-style piece, Ezra Entin talks to his mother about why she loves being a therapist and hears how her original dream of being a doctor turned into a career in which focused on serving the mental health needs of the Valley’s Jewish community.
June 25, 2014
In this StoryCorps-style piece, SPOT 127 Boot Camp participant Jaylyn Glasper talks to her mother and grandfather about her birth and what they see in her future.
Arabian Oryx
June 25, 2014
A species of antelope native to the Middle East was once considered extinct until a breeding project at the Phoenix Zoo. SPOT 127 Boot Camp participants found more about Operation Oryx.
June 25, 2014
There has been controversy about the “correct” way to serve cereal -- whether one should pour the milk first or the cereal first. After much deliberation, I have reached a conclusion and, well, here it is.
