September 13, 2019
Our East Summer Bootcamp session visited the Brewster Kaleidoscope Expo in Scottsdale, collecting tape for their video project. The beautiful visuals and enthusiastic expo attendees made for fun video project.
September 13, 2019
In this new series from SPOT 127, SPOTcasts present our students in a new way as they discuss topics of the day that interest and impact them, both globally and as teens and residents of Arizona.
September 12, 2019
In our forth season of SPOTcasts, our students discuss topics of the day that interest and impact them, both globally and as teens and residents of Arizona.
September 12, 2019
In our third season of SPOTcasts, our students discuss topics of the day that interest and impact them, both globally and as teens and residents of Arizona.
September 12, 2019
In our second season of SPOTcasts, our students discuss topics of the day that interest and impact them, both globally and as teens and residents of Arizona.